Shrunk Wrapped The Bath Pump

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If you’re a beginner, don’t get this pump to start. Get the deluxe pump package, try it out for a few months, get to know your body, then maybe get something like this if you wanted to use it in the bath. With this pump, you’ll also receive all necessary connectors, silicone tubing, and detailed instructions to help you achieve your desired results. This page is for the pump alone.

You need a gauge to monitor your pressure levels. So if you want to get this, I advise you be an advanced pumper, or at least somebody that knows about pressure levels, as far as pumping before, knows what to feel, knows what to look for when they’re pumping. Some men like pumping with water, some don’t. It’s efficacy is debatable in my opinion. But, if you are so inclined, this pump works great!